Learn more about INTEDU's FindYourSchool!
What is "FindYourSchool"?
"FindYourSchool" is an international search engine for students, their parents and agents who are looking for an adequate private school. According to our experience there is an increasing demand for a tool to find the school that fits exactly to the student's interests and demands. We now offer you to be part of this search engine!
How does "FindYourSchool" work?
The schools matching exactly to the student's interests and up to five which have the most common are displayed with a short summary. There is a button that can be clicked to receive detailed information of your school. The school's profile (location, background, subjects, pictures, ... to name but a few), the contact details and a link to your website will be presented.
How can I get listed?
To gain access to the School Member Area please just click the Register button on the left and fill in the application form. We will then contact you and send you a password to log in for updating data, uploading pictures and using several other services offered.
Will the school be displayed immediately after entering all details?
We will review all entries personally to ensure the high standard of our search results. After we checked the details, the school will be displayed immediately.